3 Chapter 1: Nature of Science and Scientific Ethics

In this chapter, we explore the nature of science itself, including its practice, ethics, and impact.
5 Chapter 2: Tools of Physics

In this chapter, we discuss several ideas and tools that will be helpful in our introductory study of physics.
5 Chapter 4: Newton's Laws and Momentum

In this chapter, we introduce Newton's laws, and then explore the concepts of momentum and conservation of momentum.
7 Chapter 5: Conservation of Energy and Gravitation

In this chapter, we explore a formulation of classical physics in the context of energy rather than force, and we explore the concept of gravitation in more universally applicable detail.
5 Chapter 8: Circuits and Magnetism

In this chapter, students will learn introductory concepts surrounding electricity and magnetism.
7 Chapter 9: Special Topics

In this chapter, we present several special topics that may arise in the study of physics.
6 Chapter 10: Equipment and Experiments

In this chapter, we demonstrate the use of various laboratory equipment.
6 Chapter 3: Kinematics

In this chapter, we analyze the motion of constantly accelerated objects over time in terms of displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
5 Chapter 6: Waves

In this chapter, we explore the mathematical concept of a wave and show how this concept can be used to accurately describe and predict many natural phenomena.
3 Chapter 7: Static Electricity

In this chapter, we explore how electrically charged particles interact through electrostatic forces and fields.
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Ancillaries for TEA Physics