Lesson Introduction

File Organization

Work-based learning (WBL) teacher-coordinators are required to maintain records to demonstrate that their WBL courses comply with laws, regulations, and policies. Experienced WBL teacher-coordinators recommend organizing the records into three broad categories as shown in the illustration below:

  • CTE program information
  • Student records
  • Training site documentation

This lesson covers the types of documents organized in each of these file cabinets or categories.

Three filing cabinets labeled CTE Program, Students, and Training Sites


CTE Program Files

A filing cabenet labeled CTE Program Files with five drawers labeled: WBL Program Information; Student Enrollment Forms; CTE Program Records; INstructional Materials; and Other Resources



Experienced WBL teacher-coordinators recommend setting up a filing system (paper-based as well as digital) for the CTE program manuals, forms and records.

In addition to the folders set up for CTE program files, create folders for materials and resources used to coordinate the CTE program and/or teach WBL courses.




Click each category below to learn more about organizing CTE program files.

Student Files

A filing cabinet labeled Students with five labeled drawers: Employment Eligibility Records; Job-Specific Permits; Individual Training Plans; Work Experience Records; and Classroom Performance



Teacher-coordinators should keep a file for each WBL student to document the student’s WBL experience. These records are important to meet student attendance accounting requirements, show proof of compliance with state and federal laws, and monitor the student’s progress.





Click each category below to learn more about organizing files of WBL students’ work experience.

Training Site Files

A filing cabinet labeled Training Site Files with five labeled drawers: Employer Information; Training Site Visits; Employer Evaluations; Orientation Materials; and Industry and Career Information

Teacher-coordinators should keep contact information for current and potential employers, records of site visits and communication with employers, employer evaluations, and relevant industry and employer job information.

Notes from site visits are important evidence that state and federal laws were followed. The other files may be used to support students' WBL experiences and to provide historical reference. 




Click each category below to learn more about organizing employer information and training site files.

Lesson Review

Lesson Conclusion