This course will provide an overview of the benefits of fine arts education for students and various aspects of fine arts programming, as well as the application of the revised TEKS for each discipline. This training, previously available in Texas Courses, is now openly available but does not earn course provider credit and no certificate will be offered.
No aligned standards.
Resource ID: FA_Overview
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
Resource ID: FA_AR_IN
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- The Fine Arts and 21st Century Skills
- Art Is for All Students
- Overview of the Revised TEKS
- Foundations: Observation and Perception
- Creative Expression
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Summary of the Revised TEKS
- Implementation
- Bloom's Taxonomy Activity
- Implementation (continued)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_AR_ELEM
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 5
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Creativity
- Objectives
- The Introduction of the TEKS
- Differences in the Original and Revised Art TEKS for Elementary School Students
- Foundations: Observation and Perception
- Creative Expression
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Applying Revised Student Expectations
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Original Lesson)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Revised Lesson)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Bloom's Taxonomy)
- Bloom's Taxonomy Activity
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Make the Revised TEKS a Pathway to Success
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_AR_MS
Grade Range: 6 - 8
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Creativity
- Creativity and Bloom's Taxonomy
- Objectives
- Overview of the Revised TEKS
- Introduction to the Strands
- Grade Level Differences (Middle School 3)
- Foundations: Observation and Perception
- Creative Expression
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Differences in the Original and Revised Art TEKS for Middle School Students
- Summary of the Differences in the Original and Revised Art TEKS for Middle School Students
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Original Lesson)
- Bloom's Taxonomy Activity
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Revised Lesson)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Bloom's Taxonomy)
- Summary of How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_AR_HS
Grade Range: 9 - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Creativity
- Objectives
- Overview of the Revised TEKS
- Differences in the Original and Revised TEKS
- Design of the Art TEKS
- Foundations: Observation and Perception
- Creative Expression
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Comparison of Student Expectations
- Summary of the Differences in the Original and Revised TEKS
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Original Lesson)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Revised Lesson)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS: Your Turn
- High School Art Courses
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_DA_IN
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- The Role of the New Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Dance TEKS
- Bloom's Taxonomy Activity
- The Role of the 21st Century Skills in the Dance TEKS
- Introduction of the TEKS
- Fine Arts for All Students
- The Interdisciplinary Nature of the Dance TEKS
- Review the Interdisciplinary Nature of the Dance TEKS
- Structure of the Dance TEKS
- Dance Courses
- Dance Courses Activity
- Overview of the Fine Arts Strands
- Overview of the Dance Strands
- Considerations for Curriculum Development
- Considerations for Curriculum Development: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Vertical Alignment
- Considerations for Curriculum Development: Instructional Strategies, Evaluation, and Assessment
- Review the Considerations for Curriculum Development
- Facilities
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_DA_MS
Grade Range: 6 - 8
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Design of the Dance TEKS
- Objectives
- Overview of the Strands for Middle School Dance
- Foundations: Perception
- Creative Expression: Artistic Process
- Creative Expression: Performance
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Critical Evaluation and Response (Lesson Experience)
- Planning Lessons for Middle School Dance Classes
- Curriculum Development
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_DA_HS
Grade Range: 9 - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Seven Traits of a Dance Specialist
- Design of the Dance TEKS
- Objectives
- Overview of the Strands
- Foundations: Perception
- Creative Expression: Artistic Process
- Creative Expression: Performance
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Critical Evaluation and Response: Evaluation and Etiquette
- Planning Lessons for High School Dance Classes
- Course Offerings
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_MU_IN
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Making Connections
- Objectives
- Organization of the Music TEKS
- Organization of the Music TEKS (Grade 1 Example)
- Vertical Alignment
- Overview of the Strands
- Foundations: Music Literacy
- Creative Expression
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Review the Strands
- Considerations for Successful Music Programs: Bloom's Taxonomy
- Considerations for Successful Music Programs: 21st Century Skills
- Considerations for Successful Music Programs: Space and Class Size
- The Benefits of Music Education
- Reflect on the Benefits of Music Education
- Conclusion
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_MU_ELEM
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 5
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Foundations of Music
- Objectives
- Overview of the Revised TEKS
- Introduction to the Strands
- Changes to the Strands
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Kindergarten)
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Grade 2)
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Grade 3)
- Highlights of the Foundations: Music Literacy Strand
- Creative Expression
- Creative Expression (Grade 3)
- Historical and Cultural Relevance (Grade 4)
- Historical and Cultural Relevance (Grade 5)
- Critical Evaluation and Response (Grade 5)
- Critical Evaluation and Response (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_MU_MS
Grade Range: 6 - 8
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Differences in the Original and Revised Music TEKS
- Introduction to the Revised Music Strands
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Example 1)
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Example 2)
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Additions)
- Creative Expression (Example 1)
- Creative Expression (Example 2)
- Historical and Cultural Relevance (Example 1)
- Historical and Cultural Relevance (Example 2)
- Critical Evaluation and Response (Example 1)
- Critical Evaluation and Response (Example 2)
- Summary of the Revised TEKS
- Practical Application and Practice: Reflection Activity
- Practical Application and Practice (Scenario 1)
- Practical Application and Practice (Scenario 2)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Middle School Music Courses
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_MU_HS
Grade Range: 9 - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Overview of the Revised TEKS
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Example 1)
- Foundations: Music Literacy (Example 2)
- Creative Expression (Example 1)
- Creative Expression (Example 2)
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- Goals of the Revised TEKS
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Scenario 1)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Scenario 2)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS: Your Turn
- Examples of Changes to Student Expectations
- Course Offerings Now Include More and Varied Cultural Choices
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_TH_IN
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Overview of the Theatre TEKS
- Introduction to the Strands
- Design of the Theatre TEKS
- Application of the Theatre TEKS
- The Role of the New Bloom's Taxonomy in the Theatre TEKS
- Bloom's Taxonomy Activity
- The Role of 21st Century Skills in the Theatre TEKS
- Fine Arts for All Students
- Technical and Musical Theatre TEKS
- Facilities
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_TH_ELEM
Grade Range: Kindergarten - 5
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Building Skills and Knowledge
- Objectives
- Overview of the Revised TEKS
- Introduction to the Strands
- Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
- Creative Expression: Performance
- Creative Expression: Production
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Grade 2)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Grades 3 and 4)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS: Your Turn
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for Students with Special Needs
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_TH_MS
Grade Range: 6 - 8
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Original and Revised TEKS
- Overview of the Strands
- Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
- Creative Expression: Performance
- Creative Expression: Production
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS: Your Turn
- Theatre: Middle School 1, 2, and 3
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
Resource ID: FA_TH_HS
Grade Range: HS - 12
By: ESC13 Content
Subject: Fine Arts
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Original and Revised TEKS
- Introduction to the Strands
- Foundations: Inquiry and Understanding
- Creative Expression: Performance
- Creative Expression: Production
- Historical and Cultural Relevance
- Critical Evaluation and Response
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Theatre, Level II)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS (Theatre, Level I)
- How Lessons Change with the Revised TEKS: Your Turn
- High School Theatre Courses
- The Revised TEKS with Special Education Considerations
- The Revised TEKS with Considerations for English Language Learners (ELLs)
- Conclusion
- Quiz
- Extend Your Learning: Tools and Resources
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