Bluebonnet Learning™ Sixth Grade Secondary Mathematics, Edition 1

  • Intended Audience: Administrators, Parents, Teachers
  • Subject: Math


These materials have been updated and now incorporate revisions based on feedback received as part of the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process. You can find the earlier version of the materials at Grade 6 OER Math, Edition 1.

Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics, originally submitted as OER Secondary Mathematics, are a comprehensive and clearly sequenced suite of materials that provides teachers with the knowledge and tools outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and guides students to be thinkers and doers of mathematics. These instructional materials are guided by research from educational experts and valuable feedback from individuals across the state and build the foundation students will need to experience ongoing growth in mathematics. 

Revised based on the IMRA process and public comments and feedback: These materials were accessible to the public beginning in May 2024. The online public comments period began in May and ended in August 2024, with public testimony given at the September SBOE meeting. The materials have been revised to reflect updates from the SBOE IMRA process and through public comments and feedback. 

For those who are new to the product: We recommend you begin by exploring the Program and Implementation Guide, found in the Program-Level Resources, followed by the Course and Implementation Guide for any one course-level, found in the Course-Level Resources for each grade, followed by the course-level Teacher Edition Volumes that include the modules in chronological order.