Lesson Introduction
CTE Program Requirements
The Carl D. Perkins Act requires that state education agencies, including local education agencies (LEAs), involve parents, academic and CTE teachers, administrators, faculty, career guidance and academic counselors, local business, and labor organizations in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs.
In Texas, LEAs that receive CTE funding are required to have a CTE advisory committee to assist with developing and evaluating their CTE program. Many districts also have program-specific advisory committees that work with individual programs of study, career clusters, or disciplines to advise on matters such as curriculum content, equipment, and facilities.
Teacher Involvement
For career preparation and practicum teachers, advisory committees can be a valuable resource for identifying potential training sites. Community participation on advisory committees usually makes finding appropriate training stations for students easier.
Instructors should ask to be included on relevant CTE advisory committees.
Career preparation and practicum instructors should also participate in local civic and community meetings, such as the chamber of commerce, visitors' bureau, restaurant association, etc.