Bluebonnet Learning™ Kindergarten RLA

  • Intended Audience: Administrators, Parents, Teachers
  • Subject: ELA & Reading


These materials have been updated and now incorporate revisions based on feedback received as part of the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process. 

Bluebonnet Learning K-5 Reading Language Arts (RLA), originally submitted as OER K-5 Reading Language Arts, is built to cover the English Language Arts and Reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), weaving together elements of the science of reading with a knowledge building approach consistent with a classical education model that is focused on the fundamentals.  As a product built for Texas students, the content features strong representation from the diverse people, places, and history of Texans. It is being made available, subject to approval by the Texas State Board of Education, as an optional resource for schools.

These instructional materials exist as two distinct components: a foundational skills component (i.e, Skills Units) and a reading for knowledge component (i.e, Knowledge Units, also referred to as RLA Units).  In grades K-2, the Skills components are taught in a distinct time block from lessons built for that purpose, and Knowledge components are similarly taught in a separate time block from lessons built for that purpose.  In 3rd grade, the product works in two optional ways: one where Knowledge & Skills are unified, and another for school systems who only want to use the K-3 Skills units.  In grades 4 & 5, there are only Knowledge units, but built to reinforce RLA skills that have already been established consistent with the science of reading.  A high-level unit map of the topics covered in the Skills Units and Knowledge Units across all grades K-5 are available in the Program and Implementation Guide, found under Program Level Resources.

Revised based on the IMRA process and public comments and feedback: These materials were accessible to the public beginning in May 2024. The online public comments period began in May and ended in August 2024, with public testimony given at the September SBOE meeting. The materials have been revised to reflect changes from the SBOE IMRA process and through public comments and feedback.

For those who are new to the product: We recommend you begin by exploring the Program and Implementation Guide in the Program Level Resources, followed by the Pacing and Scope and Sequence Guide included in the Course Level Documents for each grade.  When reviewing units, we recommend reviewing them in chronological order, starting with the Teacher Guide of the first unit of the grade, for the K-3 Foundational Skills or K-5 RLA Units.