Review Questions

Review Questions


Which of the following components is not used by both plants and Cyanobacteria to carry out photosynthesis?

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. chlorophyll
  3. chloroplasts
  4. water
Why are chemoautotrophs not considered the same as photoautotrophs if they both extract energy and make sugars?
  1. Chemoautotrophs use wavelengths of light not available to photoautotrophs.
  2. Chemoautotrophs extract energy from inorganic chemical compounds.
  3. Photoautotrophs prefer the blue side of the visible light spectrum.
  4. Photoautotrophs make glucose, while chemoautotrophs make galactose.
In which compartment of the plant cell do the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis take place?
  1. mesophyll
  2. outer membrane
  3. stroma
  4. thylakoid
What is a part of grana?
  1. the Calvin cycle
  2. the inner membrane
  3. stroma
  4. thylakoids
What are two major products of photosynthesis?
  1. chlorophyll and oxygen
  2. oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. sugars/carbohydrates and oxygen
  4. sugars/carbohydrates and carbon dioxide
What is the primary energy source for cells?
  1. glucose
  2. starch
  3. sucrose
  4. triglycerides

While working at a deep archeological site, you find a sample of an ancient single-celled organism trapped in amber. Analysis of the organism’s genome indicates that it does not use the same nucleic acid chemistry as all extant organisms and cannot share a common ancestor with humans. Would this evidence change our understanding of the origins of life on Earth? Explain your answer.

Which portion of the electro-magnetic radiation originating from the sun is harmful to living tissues?
  1. blue
  2. green
  3. infrared
  4. ultraviolet
The amount of energy in a wave can be measured using what trait?
  1. color intensity
  2. distance from trough to crest
  3. the amount of sugar produced
  4. wavelength

What portion of the electro-magnetic radiation emitted by the Sun has the least energy?

  1. gamma
  2. infrared
  3. radio
  4. X-rays
What is the function of carotenoids in photosynthesis?
  1. They supplement chlorophyll absorption.
  2. They are visible in the fall during leaf color changes.
  3. They absorb excess energy and dissipate it as heat.
  4. They limit chlorophyll absorption.
Which of the following structures is not a component of a photosystem?
  1. antenna molecule
  2. ATP synthase
  3. primary electron acceptor
  4. reaction center

Which complex is not involved in producing the electromotive force of ATP synthesis?

  1. ATP synthase
  2. cytochrome complex
  3. photosystem I
  4. photosystem II
What can be calculated from a wavelength measurement of light?
  1. a specific portion of the visible spectrum
  2. color intensity
  3. the amount of energy of a wave of light
  4. the distance from trough to crest of the wave
Which molecule must enter the Calvin cycle continually for the light-independent reactions to take place?
  1. CO2
  2. RuBisCO
  3. RuBP
  4. 3-PGA

What is the product of the Calvin cycle?

  1. glucose
  2. glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate
  3. phosphoglycerate (PGA)
  4. sucrose
Which statement correctly describes carbon fixation?
  1. the conversion of CO 2 into an organic compound
  2. the use of RuBisCO to form 3-PGA
  3. the production of carbohydrate molecules from G3P
  4. the use of ATP and NADPH to reduce CO 2
Which substance catalyzes carbon fixation?
  1. 3-PGA
  2. NADPH
  3. RuBisCO
  4. RuBP
Which pathway is used by both plants and animals?
  1. carbon fixation
  2. cellular respiration
  3. photosystem II
  4. photosynthesis

Which of the following organisms is a heterotroph?

  1. cyanobacterium
  2. intestinal bacterium
  3. kelp
  4. pond algae
What is the role of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, abbreviated RuBisCO, in photosynthesis?
  1. It catalyzes the reaction between CO 2 and ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP).
  2. It catalyzes the reaction that produces glyceraldehyde3-phosphate (G3P).
  3. It catalyzes the reaction that regenerates RuBP.
  4. It catalyzes the reaction utilizing ATP and NADPH.