There are four modules in the Introduction to the Revised Mathematics TEKS professional development. Each module is approximately three hours. Each module has three grade bands, each focusing on the TEKS for those grades.
Be sure to download the journal packet below for your grade band.
Note: Please download the latest version of Adobe Reader, which enables you to type directly into the PDF and save your work.
This module was developed prior to the implementation of the revised TEKS. The emphasis of the module should be on the student learning gaps rather than the differences between the revised TEKS and the previous version of the math TEKS.
This is the third of four modules to introduce the revised Mathematics TEKS. The four modules are
- Revised Math TEKS (Grades K–8) with Supporting Documents,
- Applying the Mathematical Process Standards,
- Completing the Gap Analysis, and
- Achieving Fluency and Proficiency.
This module reflects focused discussions of mathematics topics within each course.
If you have already completed other modules in this series, revisit what you have learned by reviewing the questions below.
How Do You Look At Things?
Curriculum and Instructional Gaps
Download the Highlighted Curriculum and Instructional Gap Analysis document for your grade level.
- Grade K–2 Highlighted Gap Analysis
- Grade 3–5 Highlighted Gap Analysis
- Grade 6–8 Highlighted Gap Analysis
Analyze the relationships between the new student expectations and the instructional gaps that need to be addressed so that students are prepared for the implementation year.
Use the Vertical Look at Key Concepts and Procedures and the Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points Revised 2013 documents during your analysis.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- As a teacher, what is the new content that I will be teaching?
- As a student, what do I need to know so that I am ready to learn new content?
Record any "ahas" or "oh-nos" on the Gap Analysis Notes page in your journal.
Stations Activity (Tree View)
Download the Stations Activity document for your grade level. Explore the activities and complete the Stations Reflection Sheet in your journal.
- Stations Reflection activity (grade K–2)
- Stations Reflection activity (grade 3–5)
- Stations Reflection activity (grade 6–8)
Consider the following questions:
- How do the activities validate and/or clarify your understanding of the TEKS that were explored?
- How did the concepts connect vertically?
- What are the implications of these connections for instruction today and in the future?
- How will you communicate these implications to the vertical team on your campus and in your district?
Explore the Gaps (Leaf View)
This course contains references to legacy content and documents that are no longer available (i.e., side-by-side TEKS comparison documents). Participants are able to successfully complete this course without access to these documents.
Explore the Vertical Cohort Group Gap Analysis documents in your journal.
You may also want to use the Vertical Look at Key Concepts and Procedures document. Think about some of the "little changes" that might be easy to embed in the current curriculum.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is this something I could teach my students to ease their transition to the next grade level?
- If so, when during the year would be the best time to do so?
Make notes in the blank Vertical Cohort Group Gap Analysis Matrix in your journal. Think about how you plan to incorporate some of the little changes into your current curriculum.
Note: A representative cohort of students from the 2013–14 school year is used to explain the process of gap analysis. Your actual analysis will depend on student grade level and school year.
Action Plan
Now that you have explored the curriculum and instructional gaps and a matrix for a particular grade level, consider the next steps for you, your campus, and your district.
Download the Action Plan, or complete the Action Plan in your journal. You may wish to share your completed action plan with others.
- What do you need to do as a teacher?
- What support does your district or campus have in place?
- What questions do you still have?
- Who might you need to collaborate with?
- What vertical conversations need to happen?
- What are the big ideas in a particular grade level that still need to be addressed now or next year so that all students and teachers are ready for implementation?
- What are those small new ideas that can be easily embedded in the curriculum?
- What are those bigger ideas that we will need to make a more detailed plan?
Thank you for participating in this module. Please consider continuing your professional development by accessing the other modules in the Introduction to the Revised Mathematics TEKS series.
- Revised Math TEKS (Grades K–8) with Supporting Documents
- Applying the Mathematical Process Standards
- Achieving Fluency and Proficiency