Welcome to the Gateway resource associated with Science Academies for Grades K-4, Part 2 state-wide professional development. You are welcome to download any and all the files located in the resource for instructional use.
All documents, videos, and additional materials are located in Related Items following this text. However, you can find many files linked within the tabs located in the left-hand navigation panel. Use the tabs to navigate to the specific files of interest.
Explore ways to improve overall science instruction and achievement in order to meet or exceed grade-level standards and ensure postsecondary readiness. Participants will engage in hands-on, student-centered lessons that are framed in the research-based 5E instructional model and provide connections to the science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), and Response to Intervention (RtI). The session covers select Earth and Life Science TEKS and includes access to online resources provided through the Project Share Gateway.
It is highly recommended that attendees have completed Science Academies for Grades K – 4 (online or face-to-face) before attending the Science Academies for Grades K – 4, Part 2.
Participant Guide
Copier Files
This file can be printed on a regular copy machine. The cover is included as part of the file.
Video Downloads
To access and save a video to your computer, click on Related Items. Open the video you would like to save. Right click on the video and then click Save video as . . .The current videos are .mp4 files.
E/S Explain Books
Projected Files
These .pdf files can be used to project the Explain books onto a screen.
My Rocks: Snapshots of My Rock Collection
Copier Files
These .pdf files can be used to copy the Explain books on a copy machine.
My Rocks: Snapshots of My Rock Collection
O/E Explain Books
Projected Files
These .pdf files can be used to project the Explain books on a screen.
Copier Files
These .pdf files can be used to copy the Explain books on a copy machine.
Materials Lists
General List by Lesson
Science Academies Grades K-4, Part 2 Supply List
Science Academies Grades K4P2 NonVendor Materials List (pdf)
The Science Academies Grades K4P2 NonVendor Materials List is available in an Excel format in Related Items.