
Welcome to Unit 4: Diagnostic and Progress Monitoring Data of the Online Texas Adolescent Literacy Academy (OTALA) Module 2: Interpreting and Implementing Assessment Results.

There are seven sections in this module:

  1.     Uses for Equated Scores
  2.     Obtaining Equated Scores for Word Reading Fluency
  3.     Averaging the Equated Scores
  4.     Interpreting the Results
  5.     Reading Comprehension Scoring
  6.     Scoring the Average for Comprehension
  7.     Grouping Students and Module Summary

Each section consists of presentation videos along with related activities. You may download a copy of the module handouts, transcript of the video, and presentation of the slides by clicking on the links below.


Presentation slides

The total time required to complete this module is approximately an hour. The module may be completed at your own pace. You may complete all sections in a single session, or you may log in multiple times as you work through the information and activities.

Section 1: Uses of Equated Scores

This section discusses the uses of equated scores and begins to teach you how to obtain equated scores for the Passage Reading Fluency Subtest using the raw data from Module 1.

Please click to download and print Handout 1: Passage Reading Fluency Subtest: Grade 7 BOY Examiner’s Packet prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.

Section 2: Obtaining Equated Scores for Word Reading Fluency

This section teaches you how to obtain equated scores for the Word Reading Fluency Subtest using the raw data from Module 1.

Please click to download and print Handout 2: Word Reading Fluency Subtest: Grade 7 BOY Examiner’s Packet prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.

Section 3: Averaging the Equated Scores

The section teaches you how to find the average of the equated scores. Please keep Handout 1 and Handout 2 accessible. You should also have a calculator on hand.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.

Section 4: Interpreting the Results

This section outlines how to interpret the results from the Passage Reading Fluency and Word Reading Fluency subtests. Please click to download and print Handout 3: Guidelines for Interpreting the TMSFA Results prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.

Section 5: Reading Comprehension Scoring

This section teaches you how to evaluate the retell portion of the Passage Reading Fluency Subtest. Please have Handout 1 accessible.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.

Section 6: Scoring the Average for Comprehension

This section teaches you how to calculate the average for the retell score.

Please click to download and print

    Handout 4: Grouping Students by Average Equated Scores and Average Retell Scores
    Handout 5: Sample Record Sheets for Susie Sunshine and Herbie Helpme
    Handout 6: Idea Unit Scoring Tips

prior to watching this presentation video.

If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Please keep Handout 1 accessible.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.



Unit 4: Module 2: Quiz 1

Section 7: Grouping Students and Module Summary

This section explains how to group students based on their scores. It also summarizes what you’ve learned in this module.

Please click to download and print

    Handout 7: Entry Points for Grade 7 Progress Monitoring
    Handout 8: Progress Monitoring Log
    Handout 9: Student Progress Bar Graph
    Handout 10: Student Progress Line Graph
    Handout 11: Using the TMSFA Results to Plan Reading Instruction

prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet.

Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.



Unit 4: Module 2: Quiz 2

Assessment Materials

Following the completion of the quiz, you can access TMSFA assessment materials.