Welcome to Unit 6: Fluency Routine of the Online Texas Adolescent Literacy Academy (OTALA) Module 1: Building Fluency with Partner Reading.
There are six sections in this module:
- Overview
- Selecting Text and Partnering Students
- The Partner Reading Routine
- The Partner Reading Routine in Detail
- The Partner Reading Routine: Practice
- The Fluency Chart, Scaffolding, and Review
Each section consists of presentation videos along with related activities to complete.
You may download a copy of the module handouts as well as a transcript of the video by clicking on the links below.
The total time required to complete this module is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. The module may be completed at your own pace. You may complete all six sections in a single session, or you may log in multiple times as you work through the information and activities.
Section 1: Overview
This section provides research data on the importance of developing reading fluency in students. Please click to download and print Handout 1: Table of Content Excerpt from “The Reading Teacher’s Sourcebook” and Handout 2: TEKS/ELPS Connections prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Also, please have a digital timer and a pen or pencil handy for the rest of this module.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin
Section 2: Selecting Text and Partnering Students
This section explores how to select appropriate text for this routine as well as how to best partner students. Please click to download and print Handout 3: Accuracy and Rate Guidelines prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Also, please have a digital timer and a pen or pencil handy for the rest of this module.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.
Section 3: The Partner Reading Routine
This section outlines the major steps in the partner reading routine.
Please click to download and print
Handout 4: Partner Reading Routine
Handout 5: Error-Correction Procedure
Handout 6: Sample Passage for the Cold Read: “Cynthia’s Big Decision”
Handout 7: Sample Passage for the Warm and Hot Reads: “Penguins”
prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Also, please have a digital timer and a pen or pencil handy for the rest of this module.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.
Section 4: The Partner Reading Routine in Detail
This section takes a closer look at the various steps of the partner reading routine, focusing in particular on how to model the routine for students. Please keep Handout 7: Sample Passage for the Warm and Hot Reads, Handout 4: Partner Reading Routine, and Handout 5: Error Correction Procedure accessible.
Please click to download and print Handout 8: WCPM Table prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Also, please have a digital timer and a pen or pencil handy for the rest of this module.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.
Section 5: The Partner Reading Routine: Practice
Keep a copy of Handout 7: Sample Passage for the Warm and Hot Reads accessible. Please click to download and print Handout 9: Fluency Chart prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Also, please have a digital timer and a pen or pencil handy.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.
Section 6: The Fluency Chart, Scaffolding, and Review
This section outlines how to graph student progress using a fluency chart, how to deal with odd numbers of students, and how to implement scaffolding techniques. This section also provides a review of the main objectives of this module.
Keep Handout 9: Fluency Chart accessible.
Please click to download and print
Handout 10: Sample Fluency Chart
Handout 11: Fluency Monitoring Sheet: Teacher Record
Handout 12: Scaffolding Fluency Instruction
Handout 13: Obtaining Fluency Practice Passages
prior to watching this presentation video. If you printed the handout packet downloaded at the beginning of this module, please locate the handout in your packet. Also, please have a digital timer and a pen or pencil handy.
Click play on the video when you're ready to begin.