4 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Number and Operations
Students will learn how to apply mathematical process standards to represent and use real numbers in a variety of forms.
19 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Proportionality
Students will learn to use proportional relationships to describe dilations; to explain proportional and non-proportional relationships involving slope; and to use proportional and non-proportional relationships to develop foundational concepts of functions.
7 OnTRACK Grade 7 Math: Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
Students will learn to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas; use geometry to solve problems; use one-variable equations or inequalities in problem situations; and use multiple representations to develop foundational concepts of simultaneous linear equations.
11 OnTRACK Grade 8 Math: Proportionality
Students learn to to use proportional relationships to describe dilation; explain proportional and non-proportional relationships involving slope; and use proportional and non-proportional relationships to develop foundational concepts of functions.