Review Questions
C, H, O, and N are nutrients that are cycled through the Earth in different forms. Which of the following levels of ecology will include the study of nutrient cycling though the environment?
- organismal ecology
- population ecology
- community ecology
- ecosystem ecology
- population>ecosystem>community>biosphere
- ecosystem < population < biosphere < community
- biosphere < ecosystem < community < population
- population < community < ecosystem < biosphere
- population ecology
- organismal ecology
- ecosystem ecology
- community ecology
Each year, Lake Michigan beach visitors are warned of possible exposure to E. coli, which can cause illness. To understand how both biotic and abiotic environmental conditions affect the risk of E. coli abundance, which type of individual should an infectious disease specialist collaborate with?
- An ecosystem ecologist
- An organismal ecologist
- A community ecologist
- A population ecologist
- biotic factor
- abiotic factor
- infectious factor
- symbiotic partner
- synthesize organic compounds they obtain from decaying heterotrophs.
- can use carbon dioxide and sunlight and synthesize their own food.
- use wind energy to synthesize organic compounds.
- synthesize inorganic compounds from organic compounds.
The study of population ecology focuses on ___.
- The number of individuals of one species in an area and how and why that number changes over time.
- The processes driving interactions within and among different species within an area.
- The adaptations that enable individuals to live in specific habitats.
- Plants and animals living in an enclosed area.
The study of the effect of abiotic factors such as rain and temperature on the distribution of living organisms is known as ________.
- community ecology
- biogeography
- geology
- population ecology
- they were not separated geographically over millions of years and did not evolve to be different species.
- plant breeders carried seeds to different areas.
- pollen from pine trees traveled to distant locations.
- pine tree species were present widely and died out in some areas.
- elevation
- rainfall
- latitude
- temperature
Temperate forests have plants of varying sizes. In this particular environment, understory plants in a temperate forest are notable for adaptations to capture limited ________.
- water
- nutrients
- heat
- sunlight
- estuaries
- lakes
- seas
- oceans
- to conserve water
- to prevent exposure to sunlight
- to increase oxygen intake
- to decrease carbon dioxide intake
- deciduous forests
- deserts
- arctic tundra
- savannas

- Aboveground and underground biomass
- The total amount of carbon fixed
- The amount of carbon fixed minus the amount used during cellular respiration, including only the aboveground biomass in terrestrial biomes
- The total amount of carbon fixed both above and below ground in terrestrial biomes
- Abiotic factors
- Mimicry patterns
- Seasonal changes
- Conspecifics
- arctic tundra
- boreal forests
- grasslands
- chapparals
- They have the ability to withstand fires.
- They have a well-developed root system, which allows them to regrow after a fire.
- Grasses are tall and only their top portions are destroyed.
- Trees shield some of the grass thus protecting it from fire.
- They receive abundant rainfall.
- The temperatures are cold throughout the year.
- They have relatively long dry seasons.
- Savannas are dominated by fluctuations in temperature.
- high temperature
- deciduous trees
- high humidity
- acidic soil
- savanna
- temperate grasslands
- arctic tundra
- tropical wet forest

- The benthic zone includes the ocean’s open water and shore.
- The pelagic realm includes all of the ocean’s open water.
- The majority of the ocean includes the photic zone.
- The deepest zone of the ocean is known as the aphotic zone.
- Corals are able to derive their nutrition from the algae and thus survive in the nutritionally poor water.
- Corals are able to accumulate calcium carbonate from the algae.
- Corals and algae can form coral reefs because of this association.
- Corals provide food to the algae.
- wind
- soil
- salt
- warmth
- intertidal zone
- neritic
- oceanic
- abyssal
- fungi
- phytoplankton
- moss
- lichens
- dry soil
- rapid water flow
- slow water flow
- irregular water flow
- a continuous body of water with high salinity
- an area where the salinity varies
- a body of water with low salinity
- a body of water with low salt entering land
- Permian period
- Cambrian period
- 2nd and 3rd century BC
- 20th century
- loss of biodiversity
- increase in temperature
- change in water quality
- variations in the temperature tolerance of plants
- coal
- petroleum
- natural gas
- solar energy
- solar intensity
- wind intensity
- temperature
- humidity
- volcanic eruptions
- change in solar intensity
- earthquakes
- changes in the earth’s orbit
- agricultural production
- burning of fossil fuels
- increase in movement of people
- use of pesticides
- carbon dioxide
- methane
- nitric oxide
- oxygen
- They trap solar radiation released from the sun in its entirety as it reaches Earth’s surface, similar to the glass in a greenhouse
- They are found mostly in greenhouses
- They are essential for plant growth in a greenhouse
- They trap solar radiation, which is converted into thermal radiation on Earth’s surface, some of which is reradiated back into the atmosphere
- the Vikings to colonize Greenland
- the rapid development of new technologies
- advances in agriculture
- harsh winters